Sākumlapa › Forumi › Citas tēmas › Cilvēks un Sabiedrība › Amīši galīgi ieberzušies ar "melno jēzu"
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This is TREASON.
The man-child can’t tell a theoretical exercise from the deadly cut throat realm of geopolitics. He probably thought he was being clever offering something valuable that wasn’t ours. Little did he know Britain is our sister country to 3/4 of the population. He couldn’t care less because he hates Britain… afterall, they did something naughty to his grandpa or something.
Can you BELIEVE this meglomaniac? He’s settling old personal scores at the risk of world stability and peace? This idiot is dangerous!!
Just look at him shamelessly forge the job numbers.. Now no American can EVER again look at that stat with any confidence. People who’ve been out of work past unemployment benefits look at the rage of Egypt and dream. Trust me. Its right under the surface.
Don’t we just all love WikiLeaks? 😀
lai gan esmu fans
Vienkārši esmu jau salasījies, saskatījies (sapīpējies) gana daudz informācijas, un slinkums skatīties par kautko, kas jau pa lielam tā kā būtu skaidrs. Vienkārši jāseko WikiLeaks darbībai, turu īkšķi par šamiem.
Zeitgeist iesaku noskatīties, diezgan daudz jaunu un interesantu faktu par totālu zombizāciju un tādā garā 😀
mhm, trešais stāv rindā :> otro izlaidu.