Brūss Šnaiers zin, ka jūs lasat šo tekstu…

Sākumlapa Forumi Citas tēmas Humors un Joki Brūss Šnaiers zin, ka jūs lasat šo tekstu…

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  • #151442

    Puikām (un meitiešiem), kas kaut mazliet ir interesējušies par informācijas sistēmu drošību un vispār kriptogrāfiju vai vismaz mācījušies šo priekšmetu, noteikti labi zināms, ar ko ievērojams ir tāds vīrs vārdā Brūss Š naiers (Bruce Schneier).

    Tad nu ziniet, ka pasaulslaveni supervaroņi nav tikai ÄŒaks Noriss (kas tecina bērzu sulas no mēbelēm), Vins Dīzels (kas spēlē krievu ruleti ar pielādētu ieroci un uzvar), Misters T (ir tikai četri apokalipses jātnieki… Misters T ies ar kājām) un Semīrs Gerkāns (kura BMW bagāžniekā ir vēl viens BMW)…

    Man gan negribējās tulkot, tāpēc, kam interesē, lasiet angliski 😉


    A Vigenere cipher with the key “BRUCESCHNEIER” is in fact unbreakable.

    When he was three, Bruce Schneier built an Enigma machine out of Legos.

    Bruce Schneier factors integers in constant time.

    Bruce Schneier knows you are reading this.

    Bruce Schneier whistles white noise.

    Setting SSID of an open WiFi network to “bruceschneier” makes it completely secure.

    Bruce force attack finds key with the first try.

    Bruce Schneier is a proof that one way functions do not exist.

    Bruce Schneier once could not decrypt something. Then he woke up.

    This fact has just been removed… by Bruce Schneier.

    Bruce Schneier uses a different salt for his soup everyday.

    Remember – if you ever lose your password, you can still ask Bruce Schneier.

    Bruce Schneier can tune an antenna by whistling the desired resonant frequency.

    There are two kinds of security, the one that keeps your sister out, the one that keeps the government out and the one that keeps Bruce Schneier out.

    Caesar’s last words actually was “Et tu, Bruce?”.

    “NP” means “No Problem” for Bruce Schneier.

    When you email Bruce Schneier, you don’t need to press “Send”.

    SHA = “Schneier Has Access” SHA2 = “Schneier Has Access – two, in fact”.

    Bruce Schneier’s first program was “Encrypt world!”

    When Bruce Schneier counts, you can’t predict the next number he’s going to say.

    Bruce Schneier can tell the size of your shoes just by reading your e-mail address.

    All Bruce Schneier’s bits are the most significant.

    Bruce Schneier’s house has no back door.



    Īsti gan Brūsu nezinu, bet ierēcu tā pat 😀


    Arī nav bijusi darīšana ar šo vārdu, bet pasmieties varēja 😀


    Labs! 😀 Visvairāk patika par SHA-2. 😀

    P.S. Evers, labais paraksts! 😀


    LOL – Bruce force attack finds key with the first try.

Tiek skatīts 5 ierakstu – 1 līdz 5 (no 5 kopumā)
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