Sākumlapa › Forumi › Notepad.lv › IT ziņas › Īsziņas › GIMP 2.8 Stable – tagad ar vienloga lietotāja saskarni
New features in GIMP 2.8 (stable):
Single Window Mode: you can finally use a single main window instead of overlapping floating windows. This is optional and can be turned on from the Windows menu.
On-canvas text editing: editing text is not performed in a separate window anymore.
Multi-column dock windows which makes the GIMP UI a lot more customizable
Improved screen real estate for dockable dialogs
Using “Save” now saves the file in the GIMP XCF format and it can’t be used for saving PNG and other files. For non-XCF file types, you now have to use the “Export” menu entry.
You can now create layer groups which can be organized in tree-like structures
Brush system and tool preset improvements
You can now tag brushes and patterns
New slider widgets
A new set of default brushes and tool presets from Ramon Miranda (from GIMP Paint Studio)
Brushes can now be rotated
New open window navigation which displays a small preview for each tab
Tools rendering on canvas have been ported to Cairo to provide smooth antialiased graphics
A new “Lock Pixels” feature
Support for JPEG2000 and loading 16bit (RGB565) raw data.
Export color values to CSS, PHP, Java, Python or plain text
Core integration of the graph-based GEGL library
Export to PDF
New tool: Cage Transform which makes it possible to easily warp parts of objects using an adjustable user-defined polygonal frame
Many others
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