Google AdWords: Bezmaksas 100$ reklāmai

Sākumlapa Forumi Citas tēmas Viss pārējais Google AdWords: Bezmaksas 100$ reklāmai

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  • #149383


    Try Google AdWords with USD$100 in free advertising August 18, 2009

    Dear Site Owner,

    Thank you for using Webmaster Tools. While using these tools is a great way to be found on Google, many webmasters also use Google AdWords to increase traffic by promoting themselves to interested visitors and prospects. We want to offer you the opportunity to give AdWords a try with this USD$100 advertising coupon.

    What is AdWords? AdWords ads are relevant text ads that appear alongside or above the results in response to searches on Google. So, when someone searches for products, services or content that you offer, your ad could show up alongside or above the organic search results. So, with AdWords, you are promoting yourself to interested prospects right when they are searching for just what you offer.

    Other benefits of AdWords:

    Control where your ad appears – by country, region or town

    Using AdWords, you can target the audience that matters to you, across the globe or right in your neighborhood.

    Set your own budget and fully control your costs

    There is no minimum spending requirement; how much you invest in AdWords is completely up to you. You could, for instance, set a daily budget of USD$100 and a maximum bid of USD$0.50 for each click on your ad*. You decide how much each new lead (click) is worth to you.

    Pay only when somebody clicks on your ad

    When your ad is set up with cost-per-click pricing, you pay only when someone clicks on your ad.

    To sign up for AdWords and take advantage of this USD$100 offer:

    1. Visit You could use your existing Google Account to sign up and create your new Google AdWords account.

    2. Sign in to your new AdWords account.

    3. On the Billing tab, enter your information in the Billing Preferences section.

    4. To claim your free USD$100 of advertising, enter your unique, non-transferable, one-time use code (including hyphens) into the Promotional code field.


    Your personal coupon code: XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX


    5. Complete the Billing Information section, then click Save and Activate.

    6. Create a few ad campaigns and see how AdWords can help your business.


    The Webmaster Tools Team


    Tā viss sanāca 🙂 Tagad pareklamēsim notepadu 🙂


    50 centu par klikšķi? Ä€rprāts, plēsēji!

    Zābakā un datuvē caur Googli nevar kaut kā iemontēt? tas būtu to vērts 😀


    Man par adsense ir sliktas atmiņas, sīkāk PM. 🙁


    Oi, bet šis ir adWords. Anyways… 😛


    foxsk8 ja nav noslēpums kā pie tāda tiki 😀


    Wuu: Caur google webmaster kontu. Skatos, google vēstuli atsūtījuši par to, ja man ir webmaster konts, varu dabot promotion kodu ar 100 zaļiem, jāpiebilst, ka google automātiski uzliek LV valodu, nedaudz bija čakars tur visu saveidot, un beigās vēl google negribēja manu karti ņemt preti, droši būs karte, varēšu arī tos 100 zaļos izlietot. 🙂

    Savukārt runājot par webmaster kontu, tad tas gan ir noderīgs 🙂


    Man ar atnāca tūlīt mēģināšu piereģistrēties, bet dēļ 200 klikiem nu nezinu vai ir vērts 😀

    Edit: Unibankas masterkarti neņem pretī!


    Man liekas, ka tur tā LV versija ir ļoti lielā ķēmā, bugaina, tāpēc varbūt arī neņem pretī.


    Tad tev arī nesanāca?


    Jā, bija kādi 5 no rīta, negribējās vairāk čakarēties, jāmeiģina ietikt eng versijā, varbūt tad tā karte aizies.

Tiek skatīts 1 ieraksts (no 11 kopumā)
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