Pie kam reāli ejot caur explorer`u c:Documents and S…… fails ir viens. Dzēšot vienu ikonu pazūd abas :duno:
Uztaisot piem jaunu mapi parādās divas identiskas….
Interesanti kāds ir tādu redzējis vai dabūjis nost bez pārinstalēšanas.
Varētu būt vīruss, Task menedžerī nekā lieka nav, arī caur safe mode notiek tas pats :ooo:
Open Registry Editor and navigate to the locations below
Backup the registry before modifying it. See here.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer User Shell Folders
* Double-click Desktop and set it to %USERPROFILE%Desktop
* Navigate to this location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer User Shell Folders
* Set Common Desktop to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Desktop
Close Registry Editor and restart.
Close Registry Editor and restart.
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