Iznācis Linux 3.5

Sākumlapa Forumi Notepad.lv IT ziņas Īsziņas Iznācis Linux 3.5

Tiek skatīts 2 ierakstu – 1 līdz 2 (no 2 kopumā)
  • Autors
  • #156892



    This release includes support for metadata checksums in ext4, userspace probes for performance profiling with tools like Systemtap or perf, a sandboxing mechanism that allows to filters syscalls, a new network queue management algorithm designed to fight bufferbloat, support for checkpointing and restoring TCP connections, support for TCP Early Retransmit (RFC 5827), support for Android-style opportunistic suspend, btrfs I/O failure statistics, and SCSI over Firewire and USB. Many small features and new drivers and fixes are also available.

    Pilns izmaiņu saraksts šeit: spied te


    Userspace profilings un I/O statistika iepriecina.

Tiek skatīts 2 ierakstu – 1 līdz 2 (no 2 kopumā)
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