Iznācis Oracle Virtualbox 5.0

Sākumlapa Forumi Notepad.lv IT ziņas Iznācis Oracle Virtualbox 5.0

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  • #161118

    Pēc ilga un nopietna testa perioda vakar finālversijā iznāca populārā virtualizācijas instrumenta Oracle Virtualbox jaunais, piektais laidiens. Virtualbox darbojas uz Windows, Linux, Macintosh, un Solaris host mašīnām, un atļauj “viesot” gandrīz visas esošās OS: Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4, 2.6 un 3.x), Solaris/OpenSolaris, OS/2, un OpenBSD.

    Virtualbox 5.0 zīmīgs ar jaunu rīku ienākšanu programmā, dizaina izmaiņām, bet pats būtiskākais ir jaunās funkcijas (es netulkošu; savējie sapratīs):

    * Paravirtualization Support for Windows and Linux Guests: Significantly improves guest OS performance by leveraging built-in virtualization support on operating systems such as Oracle Linux 7 and Microsoft Windows 7 and newer.

    * Improved CPU Utilization: Exposes a broader set of CPU instructions to the guest OS, enabling applications to make use of the latest hardware instruction sets for maximum performance.

    * Support of USB 3.0 Devices: Guest operating systems can directly recognize USB 3.0 devices and operate at full 3.0 speeds. The guest OS can be configured to support USB 1.1, 2.0, and 3.0.

    * Bi-Directional Drag and Drop Support for Windows: On all host platforms, Windows, Linux and Oracle Solaris guests now support “drag and drop” of content between the host and the guest. The drag and drop feature transparently allows copying or opening of files, directories, and more.

    * Disk Image Encryption: Data can be encrypted on virtual hard disk images transparently during runtime, using the industry standard AES algorithm with up to 256 bit data encryption keys (DEK). This helps ensure data is secure and encrypted at all times, whether the VM is sitting unused on a developer’s machine or server, or actively in use.



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