Jauns windows 7 builds – RC2

Sākumlapa Forumi Software Windows Jauns windows 7 builds – RC2

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  • #148894

    Netā parādījies jauns windows7 builds -7227, kas tiek nosaukts par RC2. Var dabūt arī ISO, bet nolēmu pamēģināt jau instalētu VHD – virtuālo disku. Atarhivēts tas “sver” nepilnus 6GB,palaidu uz VirtualBox 2.2.4, kas uzstādīts uz windows7 RC1 🙂 Tiešām, tāds windows7 varētu būt pieejams uz jauna datora – atlika tikai ievadīt reģiona un lietotāja datus. Arī izmaiņu saraksts ir diezgan pamatīgs, pieminēšu tikai būtiskākās: samazināts instalācijas izmērs, palielināta ātrdarbība, plašāks dzelžu atbalsts, intelektuālā indeksācija, uzlabota darbība ar printeriem, FireWare kameru atbalsts, utt., un, kas manuprāt, visjaukākais, beidzot ir pieejama arī invertā iezīmēšana un poga augšup, kas tā pietrūkst Vistas eksplorerī.

    Tāds nu lūk, neliels apskatiņš, novilkt var pa šo linku:



    Windows 7 buildiem pēdējā laikā ir tendence iznākt ik pēc nedēļas, turklāt šis jau vairs nav jaunākais, jo vakar tika nopludināti veseli divi 7229 un 7231. Otrkārt RC2 tas nav,jo RC2paši Microsoft paziņoja ka nebūs un tas 7227 ir vienkārši parasts builds.


    Es jau neteicu ka jaunākais, laikam aizvakar novilku 🙂 Un to 7229 ar es skatījos, izrādījās tas pats 7227, par pēdējo gan neesmu lietas kursā.


    btw reku nedaudz smieklam var palasīt kādas izmaiņas vienā krievu saitā bija kāds iepostojis itkā priekš build 7229 😀


    1)Its 500% faster than 7201!

    2)It has new kernel 7.1 and compleatly new taskbar that looks like OSX dock


    Cik galvu tik variantu, piemēram šiten te tādi dati:

    Predicted Roadmap of Windows 7 From RC to Final release:

    * RC (7100) May 2009

    * RC2 (7200) August 2009

    * RTM (7300) September – October 2009

    * Public Release January 2010


    Tas saraksts izskatās novecojis, jo RTM tiek solīts jūlijā un GA oktobrī, tūlīt pamēģināšu sameklēt un iepostot īsto plānu.


    Tas ĪSTAIS plāns mainās katru nedēļu 🙂


    Tā šitais ir četras dienas vecs:


    Last week at Computex, the largest computer exhibition in Asia taking place in Taiwan, Steve Guggenheimer, the corporate vice president of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Division announced both the RTM and the general availability dates for Windows 7.

    According to the announcement, Windows 7 will be in stores for the holidays, beginning October 22nd, 2009. In order for this to happen, the RTM (Release to Manufacturing) will be made available to Microsoft partners in the last two weeks of July.

    As customers purchase new PCs over the summer and onwards, they will be given the option to participate in the Windows 7 Upgrade Option program. This will be made available to anyone buying a PC with Windows Vista Home Premium and above. At the time of purchase, the PC will run Vista, but when Windows 7 becomes publicly available, they will be given the option to upgrade for either a low cost or free, depending on the manufacturer.

    anyway šitie 7227, 7229 un 7231 arī izskatās ka ir pēdējie buildi, kas tiek nopludināti internetā.


    Only three steps left to RTM(11.06.09)


    “Today at breakfast, Steve Balmer noted that plans have been adjusted internally to suit the announcement by Steve Jobs of, “Snow Leopard.” All that’s left to do with Windows 7 to reach RTM are three steps:

    Step One: Sometime between June 10th and June 15th will be the last build distributed to corporate partners. The build will be 6.1.7229.0.winmain.090604-1901. (Just to be clear, we’re talking about formal access assemblies and not what is to continue to be compiled internally, even the latest current build: 6.1.7230.0.winmain.090605-1900 – and this assembly may be RTM Escrow assembly).

    Step Two: Only RTM candidate builds will be compiled in mid-June. None of the candidates for RTM will be distributed to any partners.

    Step Three: Windows 7 RTM-candidates will be collected until June 21st! In all actuality, you may even receive what will become the RTM release of Windows 7 via the Internet as soon as June 19th.

    Completion Note: Since RTM testing is an internal affair (that is, no partners will be involved), that means it is up to them as to which RTM-candidate build will become the official RTM release of Windows 7. The RTM build of Windows 7, though it may come soon, will not immediately be given to testers via the Connect website nor MSDN subscribers.


    Novilcis esmu, tuvakajas dienas likshu virsū, cerams ka ripos labi!


    Neākstamies, pagaidām. Tuvākajās pāris dienās RTM-Final sola.


Tiek skatīts 1 ieraksts (no 12 kopumā)
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