Man liekas, ka AV tev pievāc lielu daļu no brīvā rama, ja būtu vēl kāds 512 MB lieks modulis, viss būtu kedās.
Nākošais, kuru tiny rev versiju liki? rev 5 vai kādu?
Vai arī pārej uz linux. Kādu mazāk noslogojošu distru uzliec, vai arī kādu vecāku ubuntu, tikai tad programmas var nedabūt utt.
Pagūglē Windows XP servisus. Tur var daļu atslēgt. Vari clockot CPU, bet šajā gadījumā CPU nav tas, kas bremzē visu pagastu. Vēl vari temp faila(neatceros precīzi kā sauca) izmēru palielināt.
Nekas cits nenāk prātā.
āāāā, obligāti liec default windows tēmu.
Uz Linux negribu pāriet, jo pilnīgi neko nesaprotu. 😀 Par Windows 2000 esmu dzirdējis, ka vēl ēdelīgāks kā XP un pietam – daudzas programmas uz viņ a vairs neiet.
Un saprašanai par linux vajag tikai internetu. Un elementāras gūglspējas. Dažreiz arī pacietību.
Tomij, ņem tak REV 5
TinyXP Rev05 Statistics…
ISO Info…
ISO file size > 201Mb
ISO file size in bytes > 210,890,752
Files on ISO > 5,330
Folders on ISO > 176
Windows Performance Info…
Operating System RAM Memory Usage > 42Mb (â–’ 3Mb)
WINDOWS folder > 397Mb
Running Processes on 1st install > 12
Install Time for Windows > 8 Minutes
Ar šito un Tiny XP Rev.5 panācu windas RAM patēriņu 39 MB, un pat ar P2 proci (266 MHz) daudzmaz normāli vilkās 🙂
Par linux optimizēšanu es neko neesmu dzirdējis, tas būtu tā pat, kā Ubuntu instalēt uz jaudīgu PC, un tā pat kā uz švaku PC, tas jau neietekmē OS ātrdarbību. Ja piedāvā nix, tad nu kādas konkurētas distras, optimizācijas twīkus, etc, lai nix griešas ātrāk, balancētāk.
P.S. Laikam par nix komētēšanu nošāvu greizi, linuksisti, sitiet. 😀
“Ar šito un Tiny XP Rev.5 panācu windas RAM patēriņu 39 MB, un pat ar P2 proci (266 MHz) daudzmaz normāli vilkās”
Tad jau izskatās, ka jāatvadās no Windows 7 un jāklibo uz TinyXP ar visu savu sūda 768 ram.
Var ņemt arī papī linuks, kas nemaz nav slikts.
Izlēmu kļūt mūsdienīgāks un pāriet uz Windows 7, tāka spēles nespēlēju. Reāli mana FX5200 izsmiekla karte Aero nevelk, tādēļ dabuju vienu feinu tēmu, atslē’dzu pāris vizuālos efektus un tagad man Windows 7 iet tāpat kā XP, tikai vairāk RAM ēd(~60% ar pāris saslēgtām progām). Vienīgais, ko esmu novērojis, ir tas, ka FullHD mūzikas klipus vairs nespēj atskaņot bez lagiem. + VLC full screenā ir lagadroms, līdz pazūd tās kontroles.
Bet, ja nopietni, tad W7 var tīri labi nokonfigurēt, tā, ka ērti strādāt. Piemēram, start menu saliec šortkutus, kādus gribi(nedaudz pa setingiem jāpacinās, ja grib), arī var izvēlēties, kādas progas rādīt, kādas nē un kad rādīt @ tray, vēl kāds vidžets mēdz būt noderīgs – manā gadījumā tulkotājs. Bet vistrakākais ir tas, ka, rupji sakot, jāpišās ar tām atļaujām visu laiku(ķipa jāliek, ka esi Owner tam failam/mapei) un vēl adminsitrātora apstiprinājuma sūdi… Mjā, bet bez tā, tīri labi viss ir.
Aizgāju offtopicā 😉 😉
Bet, tā kā cilvēks ir jauns un laika daudz, tad es neredzu iemeslu nemācīties ko jaunu.
Un nesāciet par w7 optimizēšanu ērtam darbam. Var bīdīt logus turot peli virs tā ? Nē, vajag debilo “robežu” aizķeksēt, lai pavilktu to nost. Varam atsevišķiem logiem ierādīt, ka tie “stāvēs pāri citiem” ? NĒ!!! Failbrauzers ar debils, kontrolpanelis ir pārbāzts un nepārskatāms. Bet vismaz spēlītes var paspēlēt.
ÄŒakarēties X stundas jautāt, pēc help, meklēt help, lai dabotu kaut ko strādāt, tā vietā, lietot jau visu gatavu. Ne visiem ir tik daudz brīva laika, lai apgūtu nix, piemēram man, nav laika, līdz ar to lietoju, kas ātrāk, ērtāk.
Ar win skolnieks tikai “distraktējošas” spēlītes dzenās 😛 No vienas puses, ja vajag, lai viss uzreiz pirmajā dienā strādā, tad windows gan būtu jāliek.
Bet, tā kā cilvēks ir jauns un laika daudz, tad es neredzu iemeslu nemācīties ko jaunu.
Un nesāciet par w7 optimizēšanu ērtam darbam. Var bīdīt logus turot peli virs tā ? Nē, vajag debilo “robežu” aizķeksēt, lai pavilktu to nost. Varam atsevišķiem logiem ierādīt, ka tie “stāvēs pāri citiem” ? NĒ!!! Failbrauzers ar debils, kontrolpanelis ir pārbāzts un nepārskatāms. Bet vismaz spēlītes var paspēlēt.
Vairs nav tie laiki, kad jaunatne sāk interesēties par kaut ko. Viņiem uzreiz visu gatavu vajag. Un, ja kaut kas neiet, tad sāk mest untumus un nerdrage.
Es gana reti pārbīdu logus + man neliktos pārāk ērti, ja es jebkur uzklikšķinot varētu pārvietot logu, pavisam ne. Man, piemēram, negadās strādāt tā, ka kādi 10+ logi un kādam jāstāv pa virsu un tad apakašā neko neredz vai kā… ak… tu sarežģij herņas, manuprāt ;] Kontrolpanelim varu piekrist, bet tur reāli jāiet gana reti(tikai sākumā, principā), lai to varētu pieciest. Par spēlēm gan nezinu. Esmu dzirdējis, ka CS dzenāt nemaz tik vienkārši nevar, esot kaut kādi gļuki ar pingiem utt. Pārāk debīls tas failu brauzeris nav, rēali man pat patīk tas, ka var paiet atpakaļ uz noteiktu mapi attiecīgi uzklišķinot address bar. Sānos tie šortkuti – mēsli, visas opciju cilnes – arī nav vajadzīgas un beztolkā. Man liekas, ka tu tik centies nodirst principa pēc ;]
Man zināmās funkcijas, kuras man šķiet liekas:
Bling, Bling izskats(xp themes pietiek, default/classic ir ok)
Search(windows search 4.0, vispār lieka funkcija priekš manis)
Te minēja logu izkārtojumu(cik saprotu, xp tas ir labā poga uz start joslu “Title Windows Vertically”)
Resursus ēdošie gadgets(google desktop, arī lieka manta)
Ä€trdarbība?(salīdzinot ar vistu jebkas ir ātrs)
Ir kādi reāli iemesli pāriešanai uz win7? MS lapā neko pārliecinošu neatradu.
P.S. Ar win XP esmu uzaudzis, neko citu neesmu lietojis(sāku lēnām apgūt linux), bet reālus trūkumus nemanu. Varbūt veci ieradumi vai vēl kas.
Par spēlēm gan nezinu.
Esmu dzirdējis, ka CS dzenāt nemaz tik vienkārši nevar, esot kaut kādi gļuki ar pingiem utt.
Sānos tie šortkuti – mēsli, visas opciju cilnes – arī nav vajadzīgas un beztolkā.
Man liekas, ka tu tik centies nodirst principa pēc ;]
Tas man vairāk atgādina teicienus no sērijas “viena tante teica”, varbūt pajautā arī citiem, nevis vienam, kurš nemācēja palaist to draņķa spēli 😀
Otrkārt, ja Tev liekas, ka viņš cenšās no***** tikai principa pēc, tad palasi savus izteikumus, kuri ir tik ļoti argumentēti – man nepatīk, esmu dzirdējis, nezinu (bet vienalga pakomentēšu komentēšanas pēc). 😀
Vispār jau šortkuti ir noderīgi > viens peles kliks un esi uz biežāk lietotās mapes, tas padara strādāšanu kaut mazliet efektīvāku, ietaupot laiku, bet tas taču gaumes jautājums, vai ne?
Atgriežoties pie topika tēmas – iztīri tās daļas, uzliec termopastu procesoram (tas ne ātrdarbības, bet estētiskā skaistuma pēc), uzliec normālu xp sp3 instalāciju, apgraizi to, ko var apgraizīt (liekie servisi, nejēdzīgie vizuālie efekti utt.), neliec kasperski un būs ok, ja vien Tev HDD pamatīgi neiebremzē visu to pasākumu.
P.S. Samurajs iemeta datuves linku uz rakstu, kurš ir aizlienēts no boota.
Pats izmantoju
Windows XP Pro Performance Edition December 2009 English Only-TL
Windows XP Performance Edition SP3 December 2009 – English Only
Original Size: 595 mb
New Size: 236 mb (Difference of 359 mb)
(This is the Size of the ISO)
This supports ONLY English Language and ONLY English Keyboard Layouts.
This is a FULL Install. You CANNOT Upgrade from previous versions of Windows.
There is no validation required. This PASSES WGA. This works 100% with Windows Update.
I have included the CD-Key already in the install process. This means at no point will you have to enter it.
Some people using Macs or Virtual Machines might need the serial. See Serial.txt if you do need it.
Serial.txt is located in the download folder and in a folder on the disc/iso.
This has all windows updates through December 2009. This is has been tested numerous times with no errors.
This has minimalist Internet Explorer 6. (Use It To Download Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Etc)
This is the x86 version (32Bit).
I have integrated a few new driver packs this time. I kept all the Sata, Raid, & Mass Storage Drivers from before, but also added Chipset, Lan, and WLan drivers.
This is why it is slightly larger in size than the previous releases. I did this because of people previously having such a hard time finding correct network drivers.
This way they are now able to connect to the internet and download all the other necessary drivers themselves. You will still probably need to install other drivers
yourself. Graphics, Sound, Printer, Etc. Unfortunately, the newest driver packs leave behind a little garbage on the main hard drive (Usually C: Drive). You can
safely delete everything EXCEPT WINDOWS, Program Files, & Documents and Settings.
Updates currently work fine and this also currently passes WGA. As a preventative measure, I’ve also
included Office and Windows WGA Cracks which are in a folder called “TJ” on the disc in case they start blocking the serial number included.
You don’t need to use these unless you can’t get updates, or this is no longer passing WGA.
This is set to automatically log you in each time you start up. If you want to be prompted for a username and password
please see the “TJ” folder on the disc. It contains a registry patch that you can run to have it prompt for username and password again.
This folder on the disc also contains numerous other little tweak applications, registry patches, WGA Cracks & More.
Please look at it before asking questions.
In the “TJ” folder on the disc, in the folder called “Registry”, you will see another folder called “Save_Icon_Layout”. Whenever I install
new graphics drivers my icons on my desktop get out of place. This little DLL and Reg Patch will help with saving/restoring your Desktop Icon Layout.
To Install It: Extract the “LAYOUT.DLL” filder to “Drive:Windowssystem32” folder. Then double click the Reg Patch to apply it.
Now it should show up as an option when you right click on your My Computer Icon.
I have removed the original Net Framework that ships with XP. It’s super old and outdated.
You can still download and use a newer version however. Just download the latest version from or Windows Update.
The Following has been Removed From This OS…
Internet Games
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
Display Adapters
IBM PS/2 TrackPoint
IBM ThinkPad
Logitech WingMan
Microsoft SideWinder
Serial Pen Tablet
Sony Jog Dial
Tape drives
Toshiba DVD decoder card
Hardware Support:
ATM Support
Brother Devices
Gravis Digital GamePort
Iomega Zip drive
Multi-port serial adapters
Windows CE USB Host
AOL ART Image Format Support
Images and Backgrounds
Intel Indeo codecs
Media Center
Mouse Cursors
Movie Maker
Music Samples
Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder
Tablet PC
Windows Media Player
Windows Sounds
Client for Netware Networks
Communication tools
Comtrol Test Terminal Program
Connection Manager
FrontPage Extensions
H323 MSP
Internet Connection Wizard
Internet Information Services
IP Conferencing
MSN Explorer
NetShell Cmd-Tool
Network Diagnostic
Peer-to-Peer (Has Nothing To Do With Torrents, XDCC, UseNet, Gnutella, LimeWire, Etc)
Share Creation Wizard
Synchronization Manager
TAPI Application Support
Vector Graphics Rendering
Web Folders
Windows Messenger
Operating System Options:
NET Framework
Blaster/Nachi removal tool
Color Schemes
Desktop Cleanup Wizard
Document Templates
DR Watson
FAT to NTFS converter
File and Settings Wizard
File System Encryption
Help and Support
IExpress Wizard
Manual Install and Upgrade
MS Agent
MS XML 2.0
Out of Box Experience
Private Character Editor
Remote Installation Services
Search Assistant
Security Center
Service Pack Messages
Symbolic Debugger
Web View
Application Layer Gateway
Error Reporting
Indexing Service
Network DDE
Remote Registry
Removable Storage
Route Listening Service
RPC Locator
Service Advertising Protocol
Simple TCP/IP Services
I have disabled and deleted the Classic Windows XP Install Screens with the info about XP and the blue Background.
You will just see a black background now and the install will look similar to 2000. This saves Space and gives more
info while installing.
The Minimum HD and RAM Requirements have been lifted. You can try and install this on whatever machine you like now.
High ISO Compression has been enabled to save space.
TCP/IP Half-Open Connections = Unlimited (Default 10)
UXTheme Patch (Allows Unsigned Themes to be applied to XP)
Windows System File Checker Disabled (SFC)
Boot and Shutdown-Auto-End tasks immediately
Boot and Shutdown-Auto-Kill hung applications immediately
Boot and Shutdown-Auto-Kill hung services immediately
Boot and Shutdown-Ctrl-Alt-Del at logon-Disabled
Boot and Shutdown-Logon Page-Classic
Boot and Shutdown-Setup Prefetch-Cache-Applaunch and Boot enabled
Boot and Shutdown-Status Messages-Extended
Desktop-Desktop icons size-32
Desktop-Internet Explorer icon-Hide
Desktop-My Computer icon-Show
Desktop-My Documents icon-Show
Desktop-My Network Places icon-Hide
Desktop-Recycle Bin icon-Show
Explorer-Add (un)register libraries in Context Menu
Explorer-Add ‘Command Prompt’ to folder context menu
Explorer-Advanced Search: preconfigure options
Explorer-Associate additional file types with Notepad
Explorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-Details
Explorer-Classic Control Panel
Explorer-Disable Accessibility keyboard shortcuts
Explorer-Disable Autorun
Explorer-Disable Prefix: Shortcut to
Explorer-Disable shortcut arrow
Explorer-Disable Web Files and Folders connection
Explorer-Display the contents of system folders
Explorer-Launch folder windows in a separate process
Explorer-Show Drive Letters in front of Drive Names
Explorer-Show extensions of known file-types
Explorer-Show hidden files and folders
Explorer-Show Map Network Drives buttons in Explorer bar
Explorer-Show Statusbar in all windows
Explorer-Show the full path in the Address Bar
Explorer-Show the full path in the Title Bar
Explorer-Use small icons in Explorer bar
Internet Explorer-Disable information bar when popup is blocked
Internet Explorer-Disable Market Place bookmark
Internet Explorer-Disable Media Player 6.4 created bookmarks
Internet Explorer-Disable Outlook Express link creation
Internet Explorer-Disable Password-Caching
Internet Explorer-Disable sound when popup is blocked
Internet Explorer-Enable Google URL-Search
Internet Explorer-Keep IE URL-History for-0 Days
Internet Explorer-Set Homepage-
Internet Explorer-Set Internet Explorer to accept 10 connects at a time
Internet Explorer-Set popup-blocker to high
My Computer-Add Administrative Tools
My Computer-Add Control Panel
My Computer-Add Control Panel to Context Menu
My Computer-Add Device Manager to Context Menu
My Computer-Add Drive Cleanup to Context Menu
My Computer-Add Event Viewer to Context Menu
My Computer-Add My Network Places
My Computer-Add Network Connections
My Computer-Add Registry Editor to Context Menu
My Computer-Add Scheduled Tasks
Network-Allow receiving Remote Assistance-Disable
Network-Disable restoring mapped network drives on logon
Performance-Disable Info Tips on Files and Folders
Performance-Disable Last accessed Timestamp on files
Performance-Disable Optimize harddisk when idle
Performance-Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links
Performance-Disable WBEM logging
Performance-Do not cache thumbnails
Performance-Run 16-bit Windows applications in a separate process
Performance-Use Windows classic folders / No Tasks Sidepanel
Privacy-Disable Driver Update Internet prompt
Privacy-Disable File MRU-List
Privacy-Remove Alexa
Security-Always show Updates under Software
Security-Disable DCOM
Security-Disable Web Open With prompt
Security-Re-Enable user:pass URLs
Start Menu-Add Administrative Tools menu
Start Menu-Clear most recently opened documents list on logoff
Start Menu-Control Panel-Display as a menu
Start Menu-Disable and remove Documents list from the Start Menu
Start Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programs
Start Menu-Do not use Personalized Menus
Start Menu-My Computer-Display as a menu
Start Menu-My Documents-Display as a menu
Start Menu-My Music-Don’t display this item
Start Menu-My Network Places-Don’t display this item
Start Menu-My Pictures-Don’t display this item
Start Menu-Network Connections-Display as Connect to menu
Start Menu-Printers and Faxes-Display as a menu
Start Menu-Reduce popup delay
Start Menu-Remove Search For People from Search
Start Menu-Remove Search the Internet from Search
Start Menu-Remove Set Program Access and Defaults
Start Menu-Remove Windows Catalog shortcut
Start Menu-Scroll Programs
Start Menu-Use small icons in Start Panel
Taskbar-Disable Balloon Tips
Taskbar-Disable Group similar Taskbar buttons
Taskbar-Disable Hide inactive icons
Taskbar-Disable Language-Bar
Taskbar-Hide Volume Control Icon in System Tray
Taskbar-Lock the Taskbar-Yes
Visual Effects-Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing-Disable
Visual Effects-Combo box animation-Disable
Visual Effects-Cursor shadow-Disable
Visual Effects-Display mouse pointer trails-Disable
Visual Effects-Fade out selection-Disable
Visual Effects-Gradient captions in windows-Disable
Visual Effects-Keyboard shortcut underline-Enable
Visual Effects-Menu animation-Disable
Visual Effects-Menu shadows-Disable
Visual Effects-Menu style-Flat
Visual Effects-Show translucent selection rectangle-Disable
Visual Effects-Show window contents while dragging-Disable
Visual Effects-Slide taskbar buttons-Disable
Visual Effects-Smooth edges of screen fonts-Clear Type
Visual Effects-Smooth-scroll list boxes-Disable
Visual Effects-Tooltip animation-Disable
Visual Effects-Use a background image for each folder type-Disable
Visual Effects-Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop-Disable
Additional Features:
VLK Serial Number
Firewall Disabled (Can be re-enabled)
System Restore Service Disabled (Can be re-enabled)
Automatic Updates Disabled (Can be re-enabled)
Default Theme Set on Classic (Can Change to Luna Which is Still Included)
Install Notes:
1. Unrar the Archive(s) using WinRAR or 7Zip. This will produce an ISO file.
2. Burn the ISO using a program such as IMGBurn, Nero, Alcohol 120, Blindwrite, ect… (Burn at a slow Speed to ensure no errors, 1x-4x)
3. Change Bios Priority settings so it boots from the CD-ROM Drive First. (You may be able to skip this step)
4. Insert Disc and Reboot PC, Follow the on screen prompts and enjoy.
If you are getting errors while copying files. It’s your CD, not the release. Try burning it to different brand of cd/media and try burning at the slowest speed possible.
I just tested this in VMWare and it works flawless. You should get between 16-19 Processes and under 100mb of ram usage when using the computer initially. Everything you install/use will obviously increase this, however its the leanest XP Copy around.
Change Log
December 2009 Release:
-Updated Through December 2009
-Added More Stuff To TJ Folder On Disc
-Added Latest DirectX Files
-Integrated New Chipset, Lan, WLan, & Mass Storage Drivers
-Numerous Other Small Updates/Fixes
-Probably More, But I Can’t Remember Them All
(Yes I Do Read Comments. Yes I Try To Fix Any Problems You Report)[/spoil]
Meklējam torrentu meklēšanas dziņos, tādos kā un gan jau atradīsies, ja interesē.
Tālāk, par antivīrusu ar 256 mb, tavā vietā aizmirstu. Lieto limited user acc un pielāgo savu interneta pārlūkprogrammu drošībai.
Tālāk, @zemith
*pagūgloapstiprinājuma sūdus
@ prusaks
* Viens pats w7 taskbar
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