LibreOffice 3.6.0 beta1 ar daudziem uzlabojumiem

Sākumlapa Forumi IT ziņas Īsziņas LibreOffice 3.6.0 beta1 ar daudziem uzlabojumiem

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  • Autors
  • #156706

    Iznākusi pirmā beta jaunajai atvērtā koda biroja programmu paketei LibreOffice 3.6.0. Galveno jaunievedumu saraksts:

    Changes in LibreOffice 3.6.0 beta:

    Writer: support for contextual spacing

    Writer: DOCX import now handles GetExpression and SetExpression fields

    Writer: RTF/DOCX import/export now handle the document zoom setting

    Writer: Word count (whole document and selection) in status bar

    Support for importing Smart Art

    Label / business card wizard improvements

    Calc: New option to specify a custom sheet name prefix in new documents

    Calc: Export conditional formatting to xlsx

    Calc: Improved CSV file import

    Calc: Support field items in cells

    Calc: Allow sorting of data from the autofilter menu

    Calc: Quickly allow pasting only text, value, or formula from the context menu

    Impress: Added widescreen format for impress-slides

    Misc: Import filter for Corel Draw documents

    Misc: PDF Export with Watermark option

    Misc: Rulers are now much cleaner and more light-weight

    Misc: GTK themes are now able to render background gradient

    Performance improvements

    Kā uzinstalēt uz Ubuntu 12.04 – lasām


Tiek skatīti 1 ieraksti – 1 līdz 1 (no 1 kopumā)
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