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Neliels Ajax MooTools 41 piemēru saraksts:
Š ajā reizē apskatīsim populārākos Ajax MooTools piemērus, kuri mājas lapas padara dinamiskas
un ērtākas tās lietotājiem.
1. Photo Gallery
Apraksts: Lieliska interektīva attēlu galerija.
Demo:View Demo.
2. Noob Slide
Apraksts: Vēl viena jauka attēlu galerija. Patiešām jauka.
Demo:View Demo.
3. Simple 3D Carousel
Apraksts: Interesants 3D karuselis.
Demo:View Demo.
4. Slider
Apraksts: Horizontāls vai Vertikāls slaiders.
Demo:View Demo.
5. Click to change the background
Apraksts: Dinamisku krāsu mainītājs. Viegli mainīt backgrounda krāsu.
Demo:View Demo.
6. Pamoorama
URL: https://www.silverscripting.com….
Apraksts: Ekrānā rāda tikai daļu no panorāmas bildes, iespējams autoscroll
Demo:View Demo.
7. Tips
Apraksts: Stilizēds tool tips.
8. Javascript Image Gallery
Javascript Image GalleryURL: https://tutorialdog.com….
Apraksts: Ļoti vienkārša attēlu galerija, ļoti ērta lietošanai.
Demo:View Demo.
9. Sample Nav Bar
Sample Nav BarURL:
Apraksts: Lieliski stilizēta navigācijas izvēlne.
Demo:View Demo.
10. Slidinglist
Apraksts: A tree-like sliding navigation system.
Demo:View Demo.
Apraksts: Lightboxs kurš atbalsta attēlus, flash, video, mp3, html.
Demo:View Demo.
12. Image Menu
Image MenuURL:
Apraksts: A horizontal menu, reveals more of the image as you rollover it.
Demo:View Demo.
13. Window Growl
Window GrowlURL: https://icebeat.bitacoras.com….
Apraksts: Tooltips with a difference.
Demo:View Demo.
14. ReMooz
Apraksts: Simpliar and easier than SqueezeBox. Click on an image and the image will
enlarge. Simple, the way I like it.
Demo:View Demo.
15. Accordions
Arcs from Digg LabsURL:
Apraksts: A stylish and smooth accordian style navigation.
16. Slideshow
Apraksts: This is by far and away the Photo Gallery with the most features. Very well done.
Demo:View Demo.
17. mooSlide ( lightbox replacement)
Apraksts: The mooSlideBox v3 is a small and slim ajax based extension or replacement of the
common “lightboxâ€. I really love this.
Demo:View Demo.
18. Page Loader
Page LoaderURL:
Apraksts: You can load a div from one page into a div on this page.
Demo:View Demo.
19. Grow a Textarea
Grow a TextareaURL:
Apraksts: Just make a form, and this script will add the ability to resize each textarea.
Demo:View Demo.
20. JavaScript Time Picker
JavaScript Time PickerURL:
Apraksts: The first ever Time Picker that utilize a very easy drag and drop interface.
Demo:View Demo.
21. Sexy sliding JavaScript side bar menu
Sexy sliding JavaScript side bar menuURL:
Apraksts: Smooth and yes, SEXY sidebar menu.
Demo:View Demo.
22. Slideshow
Apraksts: A smooth transition between images.
Demo:View Demo.
23. Ajax login form
Ajax login formURL: https://joeabiraad.com….
Apraksts: An easy to use login form.
Demo:View Demo.
24. FancyUpload
Apraksts: Swf meets Ajax for beautiful uploads.
Demo:View Demo.
25. Validate
Apraksts: A simple form validation.
Demo:View Demo.
26. SortableTable
Apraksts: Sort and filter tables.
Demo:View Demo.
27. MooTabs – Tiny tab class for MooTools
Apraksts: MooTabs is tiny(3kb), as the name suggests, it’s main purpose is to help out with
the creation of simple tab navigation.
Demo:View Demo.
28. Sortable List Example
Sortable List ExampleURL: https://techblog.billkrueger.com….
Apraksts: A drag and Drop sortable list. Could be handy.
Demo:View Demo.
29. Calendar
Description: Calendar is a Javascript class that adds accessible and unobtrusive date-pickers
to your form elements.
Demo:View Demo.
30. Rounded Corners
Rounded CornersURL:
Apraksts: This creates rounded corners on divs.
Demo:View Demo.
31. Mediabox
Apraksts: Mediabox lets you open flash, video, and html content in a floating “lightbox†style window.
32. Mootools Mocha UI
Apraksts: Mocha is a web applications user interface library built on the Mootools javascript framework. The Mocha GUI components are made with canvas tag graphics.
33. FormCheck
Apraksts: Performs different tests on forms and indicates errors.
34. mooRainbow
Apraksts: A color picker, built on the mooTools Framework.
35. Lightbox
Apraksts: An inline image popup, overlays and fades out the current page.
36. SmoothGallery 2.0
Apraksts: This javascript gallery and slideshow system allows you to have simple and smooth (cross-fading…) image galleries, slideshows, showcases and other cool stuff on your website.
37. Popmenu
Apraksts: A background image pops up, adding some livelyness to an otherwise dull menu.
38. MooMonth
Apraksts: MooMonth is a full calendar application written in javascript.
39. MooWheel
Apraksts: The purpose of this script is to provide a unique and elegant way to visualize data using Javascript and the canvas object. This type of visualization can be used to display connections between many different objects, be them people, places, things, or otherwise.
40. mooSocialize
Apraksts: By clicking the mooSocialize button, a window will appear, which lets you choose your favorite network. Having a thumbnail of each service beside the link, it’s easy to see and find the one of your liking.
41. Reflection.js
Apraksts: Ļauj pievienot atspīduma effektu jūsu bildēm. Effekta izmērs ir mazākas par 3kb.
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