nestrādā karšu lasītājs

Sākumlapa Forumi Hardware Pārējās Hardware lietas nestrādā karšu lasītājs

Tiek skatīts 1 ieraksts (no 25 kopumā)
  • Autors
  • #146071

    Ieksh Computer uzraadaas Memory stick drive un SD/MMC drive, ber kad veru valjaa

    Unable to mount the volume. There is probably no media in the device.


    libhal-storage.c 1344 : info: called libhal_free_dbus_error but dbuserror was not set.

    libhal-storage.c 1345 : info: called libhal_free_dbus_error but dbuserror was not set.

    libhal-storage.c 1401 : info: called libhal_free_dbus_error but dbuserror was not set.

    process 10764: applications must not close shared connections – see dbus_connection_close() docs. this is a bug in the application.

    mount: /dev/sdb is not a valid block device

    mount: /dev/sdb is not a valid block device

    error: could not execute pmount

    bet citreiz sanaak

    Opening “SD/MMC Drive”.

    You can stop this operation by clicking cancel.

    un tad izlec errors

    Unable to mount the selected volume.

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found


    mypc:/home/aega# error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    error: could not lock the mount directory. another pmount is probably running for this mount point.

    bash: error:: command not found

    mount: no medium found

    bash: mount:: command not found

    mount: no medium found

    bash: mount:: command not found

    error: could not execute pmount

    bash: error:: command not found

    Luudzu paliidzat, esu jau uzrakstijis shito 5os aarzemju forumos un neviens neko nav atbildeejis


    vinsh monteejas automaatiski, kaa pirmoreiz pieliku taa uzreiz pemonteejaas


    Tad pamēģini montēt manuāli, ja automātiskais variants čakarējas.


    ok, shitas risinaajums izstaas ok, tikai kaa uzzinaat kas man jaaraksta mmcblk0p1vietaa? paareejais viss sanaak


    jaa, bet man nav taads modulis, man ir laikam ar citu nosaukumu, cik noveeroju ar iznjemtu karshu lasiitaaju man dev mapee ir 268 itemi, bet kad ielieku 278, kaa es varu noteikt kursh modulis ir manam karshu lasiitaajam?

    atradu jaunos 😀 ieziimeeju visus un ieliku karshu lasiitaaju, neieziimeetie ir arii tie iistie


    nu taa, viens no tiem failiem bija usbdev5.1_ep00

    /dev/usbdev5.1_ep00 /media/sdcard auto umask=0,rw,user,auto 0 0

    mount /dev/usbdev5.9_ep00

    mount: /dev/usbdev5.9_ep00 is not a block device

    tas ir vai nav iistais fails? veel tur uzraadijaas no jauna sda, sdb, usbdev5.9_ep00,usbdev5.9_ep01,usbdev5.9_ep82 ?


    Iztaisi direktoriju “sdcard”:


    cd /mnt

    mkdir sdcard

    Tālāk atver “fstab” failu un ieraksti šo ar visām atstarpēm kā bija paraugā {tajā linkā}:

    nano {vai gedit, vai kedit, etc kādu editoru tu izmanto} /etc/fstab {ar, protas, no root tiesībām}.

    /dev/usbdev5.1_ep00 /media/sdcard auto umask=0,rw,user,auto 0 0

    Aizver ciet un saglabā.

    Konsolē {no root tiesībām):

    mount -a

    Ko saka? Ja neko neizmet, tad piemontējās veiksmīgi, ja saka, tad jāskatās, kas pa kļūdu.


    mount -a

    mount: /dev/usbdev5.9_ep00 is not a block device

    un tur es bik kljuudijos, tie iistie faili ir sda, sdb, usbdev5.9_ep00,usbdev5.9_ep01,usbdev5.9_ep82


    Nu tad pamēģini ar tiem pārējiem.


    mount: /dev/usbdev5.9_ep00 is not a block device

    mount: /dev/usbdev5.9_ep01 is not a block device

    mount: /dev/usbdev5.9_ep82 is not a block device

    njam tas pats, laikam man atkal ir paveicies nopeerkot to IISTO karshu lasiitaaju kas ar linuxu neite kopaa bez probleemaam, taapat kaa bluetooth ar windows.

    a kas ar to pmount? vinju nevar kkaa redigjeet? laigan ar text editoru man nesanaaca


    Un kas ir ar sdb un sda?


    mount: No medium found

    mount: No medium found


    ir varbuutiiba ka uz citas linux distras man karshu lasiitaajs staadaas ?


    Nu, protams! Cik reiz nav bijis, ka pat tik radniecīgām distrām kā Ubuntu un Debian uz viena kaut kas aiziet uzreiz, bet ar otru jāčakarējas…


    Kerneļa apdeits arī var palīdzet.

    Lai apskatītos sava kerneļa vesiju, tev konsolē jāraksta: uname -r

    Tagad jaunākais (stabilā versija) ir: =>

    Jaunākie kerneļi ir cerība uz pašo jaunāko hardware aparatūru. PC, kuram samesti jaunākie čipseti – nekas cits neatliek – kā gaidīt, kad linuxisti apdeitos kerneli ar jaunāko aparatūru, lai to atpazītu. {Tas tā vispārīgi, ja nopērc pašu spēcigāko videokarti or etc…}

    btw – pamēģini citu distru, kurai ir jaunāks kernelis vai apdeito jau esošai distrai.


    nu uz ubunta vismaz caur live cd bija tas pats, tapeec nav veerts vinju likt, domaaju mandriva uzlikt, vai arii iesakiet kaadu juus?

    pa kerneli, kad buushu maajaas pastiishos.

    starpcitu tas pc man jau ar nemaz tik jauns nav, kadi 2 gadi jau driiz buus


    Nu es ieteiktu šos:

    Fedora 7 arī ir vienkāršs un labs distributīvs.


    PC-BSD 1.4 – Š is gan nav linux, bet arī ir diezgan user-friendly + ticamāk, ka papildināsi savas zināšanas par *nix, jo šeit ir iespēja kompilēt programmas no portiem utt, bet ir arī pieejamas PBI pakas, kuras instalējās ar next, next principu, bet tās nav tik daudz:

    Ja ko vajag atrisināt, tad infu gūglēt vari priekš PCBSD vai FreeBSD {jo PCBSD ir bāzēts uz FreeBSD}.



    ok, pameegjinaashu uzlikt fedoru 7, kgan nokachaaju no vinju maajaslapas to dvd, iecepu diskaa un peec valodas izveeeles man prasa lai es ielieku disku kas satur instaleejamaas pakas, tgd meegjinu citu vilkt

Tiek skatīts 1 ieraksts (no 25 kopumā)
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