Par ko Tu interesējies? [Aptauja]

Sākumlapa Forumi Citas tēmas Cilvēks un Sabiedrība Par ko Tu interesējies? [Aptauja]

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  • #307620

    Š ai sakarā atcerējos aktiera Džona Travoltas spārnoto teicienu (citēju no atmiņas):

    “Nav māksla nopelnīt lielu naudu – māksla ir šo naudu eleganti iztērēt” 😀


    Kopš pagājušā gada septembra interesējos par «free energy» un «overunity» lietām.:)

    Mikroskopisks ieskats šai pasaulē



    Pa retam priecē daži riktīgi reālie naudasmaisi, tādi, kā Brensons un vēl viens otrs, kuri virza progresu ar savām naudiņām, nevis sēž tai virsū…

    Š ajā sakarā ielieku video, kuru vakar tikai noskatījos:


    Bet diez vai viņam kas sanāca.[/spoil]


    Kā es šitos ienīstu – piedrāzt 2. termodinamikas likumu – mums ir sava fizika. Fiziķi vājprātīgās laboratorijās mēģina panākt kodolsintēzi, uz ko es pagaidām skatos ar zināmu skepsi, bet nu šitie tirliņi liek manam bullshit detektoram vienkārši iet pa gaisu.


    Vajag mācēt priecāties par mazumiņu. 😀

    Pats esmu no citrona un divām naglām iedvesis diodē dzīvību…jeb otrādi- no divām diodēm un naglas- citronā dzīvību… Neatceros, bija tumšs. Pēc tam skatījos Frankenšteinu un baidījos.



    Citrons ir ķīmija, kamēr būs reakcija, tikmēr degs tava diode – tas nebūs mūžīgi. Tas ko praktizē tie mērkaķi ir šis:




    Intereses ir daudz, bet pēdējā laikā neko negribas. Piektdienas vakarā paķeru pudeli viskija vai šnabi, uzlieku youtube kādu 80-90 gadu klipu izlasi un nostaļģēju par tiem laikiem. Ja sesdien garīgais mainījies, aizbraucu kaut kur vai aizeju, pafotogrāfēju. Biežāk gan, nopērku alu un sēžos pageimot tīklā kādu Ennemy territory vai Battlefield maču.


    Njā, neizklausās pēc ahūnās dzīves baudīšanas. Drīzāk depresīva mukšana no realitātes. Palasi manu un Evera priesterējumu mazliet augstāk.


    mle… kur Jūs te tādi puķu bērni saradušies… prieks par bitīti, kas pa ziediņu urķējas…

    bet ja no pietni, tad, droši vien, pasaulē vajadzīgs līdzsvars… lai veiksmīgie un laimīgie varētu izcelties, ir vajadzīgi stulbi (var arī būt gudri, tam nav nozīmes), tizli un reāli neveiksminieki un raudulīgi vaidētāji, sevis žēlotāji…

    p.s. ir sāpīgi nonākt pie apziņas, kurai no sabiedrības daļām tu piederi… bet izmainīt to īsti nav variantu…


    Nu jopt- labāk tā, nekā nodzert aknas un izlekt no 9 stāva loga, jo redz, dzīve ir sūds. Dzīve nav sūds. Sūdīgs skata leņķis uz dzīvi trāpījies, kuru mainīt ir katra rocībā. Par to, cik gribasspēka jāieliek šinīs pārmaiņās- tas, protams, ir cits stāsts un atkarīgs no situācijas, bet bezizejas situāciju nav nekad. Tādējādi nonākam pie spalvainās atziņas, ka cilvēks pats ir savas dzīves arhitekts.


    Mjā, Enemy Territory sen nav spēlēts, bet Project Reality (BF2 mods) gan pa retam uzrauju:)


    Ir jau, protams, daudz feikeru kuri tikai ākstās un rāda savus video.

    Tie kas reāli ir kaut ko sasnieguši, parasti ātri vien tiek apklusināti; vai nu vīri melnā draudīgi pakrata ar pirkstu un aizliedz ko tālāk pļāpāt, vai vienkārši nomušī.

    Spilgtākie piemēri Jūdžens Melovs (Eugene Mallove) kurš 2004. gadā gribēja uzstāties plašākai publikai par auksto kodolsintēzi, bet īsi pirms tam viņu nezināmi tipi piekāva līdz nāvei.

    Vēl viens no štatiem, kurš bija uztaisījis auto darbināmu ar..ūdeni. Uzparikte tai mašīnai jau nu bija iespaidīga (elektronika, caurulītes..). Skaidrs, ka ūdens tika sadalīts “reizinātājos” un tad padots uz dzinēju, neba jau nu pa tiešo.

    Š o izgudrotāju sauca Stenlijs Meijers (Stanley Meyer) Viņš 1998. gadā tikās ar diviem beļģu investoriem kādā restorānā. Tad viņš izskrējā ārā un pēdējie vārdi bija: “Viņi mani noindēja” un pagalam bija. Protams, oficiālā versija, ka bijis augsts asinsspiediens un kas vēl tur..

    Stīvens Marks (Steven Mark) ar savu toroidālo ģeneratoru – TPU… Vienkārši super izgudrojums – mazs, ērts strāvas ģenerators. Tik nelaime, ka ik pa laikam esot jāizslēdz, jo paliek stipri karsts, tā pats Marks teica savos demonstrācijas video.

    90-jos gados, ja nemaldos, viena firma (U.E.C.) no viņa atpirka to izgudrojumu un tālāk visi gali ūdenī.

    Marks sarakstījās ar vienu no Austrālijas, kuram diezgan daudz ko pastāstīja, līdz brīdim kad Marku apciemoja 3 vīri biznesa uzvalkos:


    He told me that he convinced them (the federal authorities ) that I was

    not intentionally breaking any laws orgoing against their wishes in any


    He assured them that he would get me into his office for them to talk to

    and they would see for themselves that I am a nice little guy who would

    never knowingly break the law.

    So off i went this morning to my attorneys office in hopes of not getting

    arrested and placed into prison.

    I don’t think I would like prison, Lindsay…

    The first thing there I was taken intoa room by my attorney and told

    what not to say to the Feds.

    Also, I was told what to do if I was arrested, etc.

    So I was fully scared to death!!!

    Next, I was taken into the meeting.

    Therein was my attorney and his secretary with note pad in hand.



    I was introduced to three gentleman in business suits.

    One was from the FBI, ( Federal Burrow of Investigation ), one was from

    the Atomic Energy Commission of the federal government and the other

    was from the Federal Department of Justice, Washington DC.

    I now had to go to the bathroom at this moment of my life more then


    I sat down and listen to the man from the FBI remind me that I had been

    given a document from the federal government several years ago

    informing me of the fact that I nolonger had control of my power

    technology because it had been deemed to be in the interests of the

    American people for it to remain in the control of federal authorities and

    that I was not to talk about it directly with other people, especially

    nationals of foreign countries without permission from the folks in

    Washington DC.

    He also reminded me that to do so would be breaking the law and

    committing a federal offence, which is a big thing here in America.

    He went on to tell me that he was there in official capacity as an

    investigator from the FBI to see if i had indeed broken the law.

    Why had I broken the law?

    Because I had been discussing my technology with other people without

    the permission of the folks in Washington DC.

    I asked them how they knew that I had spoken to people about my

    technology and they told me that:

    First of all, it was not MY TECHNOLOGY.

    I had no rights concerning it at all.

    It is under the control of the federal government for the benefit of the

    people of the United States.

    Second, The ownership of the technology is highly questionable.

    Third, Do not play games with us Stephen, you know we know that you

    have been discussing the technologywith anybody who will listen!

    They further accused me of deliberately posting information on the


    I said that I absolutely had not!

    The man from the FBI said that i had been collaborating with a foreign

    gentlemen in Australia to post information and therefor had been involved

    in a conspiracy to dispense information which is against the law for me to


    Then he pulled out a rather large stack of papers which turned out to be

    copies of everything posted Internet wise about my technology for the last

    ten years or whatever.

    Then my attorney interjected and theygot into a long discussion which i

    didn’t listen to very much.

    I was looking at the man from the Atomic Energy Commission and noted

    he had a kind face.

    He smiled at me and we began to talk.

    He told me that he admired my work very much.

    He told me that he thought of me as a fellow scientist.

    He told me that as scientists we had an obligation to protect people from

    our findings or things we discover if they may be generally harmful to

    them or the public at large.

    He told me that it was the duty ofconscientious scientists to keep the

    black genies in the bottles so as not to harm society any more then


    He mentioned the Atomic bomb and how much better the world would be

    if it never had been invented, right? I said , right!

    He went on to discuss my technology in detail and reminded me of the

    destructive capability when the devices reach harmonic perfection.

    I told him that was a good analogy, or way of putting it.

    He told my that he didn’t think I wanted to be responsible for giving out

    information making it possible and moreover inevitable that someone

    would make a big crater of a hole where their house used to stand with

    resulting death of themselves and possibly their families and neighbors


    He finally finished up with,

    And for God sake, with the terrorists hunting for weapons of mass

    destruction, why on earth would you want to hand them something like

    this to use to kill perhaps many millions of people?

    Do you think Moslems are not interested in this technology?

    They have a lot of oil so they would be interested in it for another reason

    wouldn’t they Stephen?

    I agreed with him and told him I hadn’tthought of it in that perspective


    I told them all that I wasn’t tryingto do anything wrong at all.

    I didn’t realize the implications of the possible results of talking to you

    about the technology.

    I told them that you were an engineer and interested in the scientific

    possibilities of the discovery only.

    The agent from the FBI said that I had no real way of knowing who you

    were and what you might actually be up to did I?

    I agreed with him.

    He said that they read everything going into and out of your computer

    wether or not anything is posted on that web site we guys like so much…

    He said that the Australian governmentwas allied with the United States

    regarding this matter and that the Australian authorities would deal with

    you as need be.

    However, lets hope it does not become necessary shall we? Yes of course

    I said?

    I said, I never meant to get into trouble with this.

    I told them I just felt bad because of all the nasty things people were

    saying about me and that i starting talking to you and you said that you

    would try and tell the straight story about me and the technology.

    I have a right to defend my self don’t I?

    The answer was, NO!

    I am not entitled to defend myself.

    What i need to do is, to feel good about doing the right thing.

    I need to do what my government tells me is good for me to do.

    I need to develop pride in making the correct decision to keep quiet about

    technology that may hurt other people or even help terrorists to kill many,

    many others.

    I was told that With knowledge comes responsibility!!!

    I told them I never intendedto do anything wrong.

    I was sorry.

    I asked them to please forgive me and not to put me in prison.

    They said they could prefer charges against me at any time but are

    reluctant because of my well meaning attitude as displayed during the


    They told me that It would be a good idea if I told you to post information

    saying that I had no intention of revealing anything about my experiments

    or how the demonstrations were accomplished to the extent that they

    convinced so many peopleof their authenticity.

    That the demonstrations were more for amusement then anything else

    and that I am making it very clear that I never intended to convince the

    public at large.

    People attempting to duplicate anything they have seen in my

    demonstrations will not be able to do so and should not try.

    I asked them if I had their permission to tell you about today and they

    said yes of course.

    So……….. that is what happened to me today.

    How was your day Lindsay?





    Vēl viens no štatiem, kurš bija uztaisījis auto darbināmu ar..ūdeni. Uzparikte tai mašīnai jau nu bija iespaidīga (elektronika, caurulītes..). Skaidrs, ka ūdens tika sadalīts “reizinātājos” un tad padots uz dzinēju, neba jau nu pa tiešo.

    …vai tiešām ir tik grūti atvērt ķīmijas un fizikas grāmatu?! Ar nūju pa muti tik ilgi, kamēr iemācīsies 2. termodinamikas likumu, vai kamēr nosprāgsti – abi iznākumi der… otrais vēlamāks.

    Interesanti, ka katram caurkritušajam “izgudrotājam” aiz muguras ir leģendāra konspirācijas teorija.

    Ja ir tik daudz izgudrojumu, tik daudz “zinātnieku”, kāpēc tas nav NEKUR pielietots izņemot kaut kāda dauņa garāžā, kāpēc tās shēmas/dokumenti/rasējumi sen nav nopludinātas torentos, kāpēc TU, kurš gandrīz gadu cītīgi interesējas par šīm lietām nevari neko tādu uzbūvēt?

    TÄ€PĒC, ka tas NESTRÄ€DÄ€ un NEKAD nestrādās. Free energy piekrītēji ir debīļi, kas vakar atklājuši magnētu, bet fizikas grāmatu pat rokās nav turējuši.




    Š eit nu gan daudz depresīvu cilvēku, kas arī izskaidro biežo un bezjēdzīgo riešanu. 🙂


    Nesen pa TV raadiija autobusu kas darbojas ar uudenjradi vienaa no kaiminjvalstiim.

    Taa ka ne vienmeer visi ir pseidozinaatnieki kas skandina shaadas lietas.

    Starp citu tas ka kautkas nav shobriid pieejams neatcelj taa iespeejamiibu. Shajaa video ir paraadiits ka kabatas lukturiem lielaaka jeega ir ja tos taisa kaa izkliedeetu staru nevis koncentreetu bet veikalos shaada veel nav.



    Arī iestājas par urīna spēku, kā brīvās enerģijas avotu:


    Nejauc pimpi ar pirkstu. Šªdeņradis un ūdens nav viens un tas pats. Tas, ka autiņu darbina ūdeņradis nav nekas īpašs – tehnoloģija nav nedz jauna, nedz revolucionāra – visi zin, ka ūdeņradis ir sasodīti labs kurināmais. Bet, ja kāds man mēģinās iestāstīt, ka viņš dabina savu dranduļetu ar hidrolīzi – shēmas studijā vai nedirs. Un ja tik ļoti bail no melniem vīriņiem, lūdzu, lai sūta shēmas man – pie Nobel prēmijas saņemšanas es apsolos pieminēt šī diženā ģēnija vārdu.


    Un tev ar lūgums nejaukt pimpi ar pirkstu – čurāšana nav brīvā enerģija.


    Ok ok, stāvu maliņā- pīpēju. Plūcaties taču uz veselībām. 😀

    Tik piebildīšu, ka ja nebūtu šādu freelanceru, kuri mēģina aizbraukt kosmosā ar ūdeni- iespējams- šodien nebūtu tradicionālā benzīna. Pirms gadiem 400 bija absurdi domāt par iekšdedzes dzinēju, kurš darbināms ar jēlnaftas pārstrādes produktu. Tu vari piesaukt visus iespējamos termodinamikas likumus, bet vot uzradīsies kāds frukts, kurš atradīs caurumu šīnī definīcijā un tomēr aizbrauks kosmosā ar ūdeni. Ne šodien un ne rīt. Teiksim, pēc tiem pašiem 400 gadiem. Protams, tad būs citas tehnoloģijas ūdens apstrādei, bet ūdens ta paliks tas pats- H2O.

Tiek skatīts 21 ieraksts (no 53 kopumā)
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