Sākumlapa › Forumi › Citas tēmas › Humors un Joki › Parodija par Wikipediju
tâpçc nolçmu pavçstît ðo saiti arî ðeit:
Ðis principâ ir parodija par wikipediju, kur var atrast daþâdas stulbîbas gan par IT, gan mûziku, gan pazîstamâm slavenîbâm, gan par daudzâm citâm tçmâm.
Interesanti ir ne tikai izlasît sarakstîto, bet gan apskatît bildes, jo parasti tâs visas ir joku tipa bildes.
Daþi piemçri:
Microsoft Windows is the collective name for a series of operating systems that began development in 1983, originally as a means of reversing the stagnation of the computer hardware market.
Ubuntu is a friendly cyborg who spends a lot of time on the internet, chatting with geeks and humans. It is open source as well, which keeps its self-esteem high enough not to become emo.
Latvia or The Land of The Setting Sun is probably the biggest and most powerful country in the world, being only insignificantly smaller than the Galactic Empire.Its the strongest contentor to Honduras when it comes to the definition of BANANA Republic.
P.S. – Protams, apraksti ir daudz garâki, bet tâpçc iedevu linkus, lai paði varat papçtît sîkâk ðos un pameklçt paði;)
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