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Atkārtoti instalējot Postgrees sql, prasa lietotājvārdu un paroli, kurus esmu pazaudējis!
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psql -d template1
ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD ‘new_password’;
Postgres ir laba dokumentācija:
Ja ir jautājumi, tad tur visticamākais arī būs atbildes.
Delete the postgres user, and it will accept any password if you reinstall it:
*click on Start and go to Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
*If you are on Vista, rightclick and choose “Run as Administrator”.
A black box should appear. Type ‘net user postgres /delete’ (without the quotes) and press enter.
The user is now deleted and you can (re)install PostgreSQL.
Go to C:Program FilesPostgreSQL8.xdata, move the pg_hba file to your Desktop and open it with notepad.
*Scroll to the bottom and change all md5 to trust. Save and close the file.
*Move the file back to the data folder.
*Restart the PostgreSQL service: Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services
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