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Pēc ielikšanas portatīvā HDD pārdot būs iespēja vai tas man paliks par piemiņu?
Pa 6 eiro lētāk un bezmaksas piegāde 🙂
P.S vai V300 nebija kaut kādas problēmas ar firmware un sandforce kontrolieri?
Ir ideja nedaudz ātrākā tempā iekustināt Acer Aspire 7741G. Mammai prasīju par SATA 3 atbalstu (jo tādi ir pieejami šobrīd veikalos), bet nekā iepriecinoša neredzu – SATA un viss.
Kingston mājaslapā rakstīts, ka SATA3 diski ir backwards compatible ar SATA2, bet nav jau pārliecības, ka ņems pretīt pat to SATA2 .
SATA I (revision 1.x) interface, formally known as SATA 1.5Gb/s, is the first generation SATA interface running at 1.5 Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 150MB/s.
SATA II (revision 2.x) interface, formally known as SATA 3Gb/s, is a second generation SATA interface running at 3.0 Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 300MB/s. This interface is backwards compatible to SATA.
SATA III (revision 3.x) interface, formally known as SATA 6Gb/s, is a third generation SATA interface running at 6.0Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 600MB/s. This interface is backwards compatible to SATA II and SATA.
SATA II specifications provide backward compatibility to function on SATA I ports. SATA III specifications provide backward compatibility to function on SATA I and SATA II ports. However, the maximum speed of the drive will be slower due to the lower speed limitations of the port and it’s controller.
Long story short – viss ir saderīgs
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