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Vârds sakot – Cilvçkam, kurð lieto linuxu, pazûd internets un zvana uz palîdzîbas dienestu, bet..bet otrâ galâ atrodas “speciâliste”, kura diemþçl no linux saprot tikpat daudz cik es no adîðanas:D
Varat palasît dialogu:
*Me: so, the line is having problems again
*Support girl: ok, just reboot the computer and try again
*Me: reboot the computer, what for?
*SG: to reconfigure the router
*Me: But the router is not connected to the computer, it is connected to a hub, as is the computer. Rebooting it won’t touch anything at all in the router. And the router is correctly configured
*SG: what windows are you using?
*Me: no windows here, just linux
*SG: linux is not supported I’m afraid
*Me: ok, right, but this has nothing to do with linux/windows. I tell you the router is configured correctly but gets no outside traffic
*SG: no, your router has lost the configuration
*Me: I am seeing, via telnet, the router configuration, and nothing has changed, it’s configured correctly, the problem is in the line, as it was the last 3 weekends. Also, pinging from the router to an external IP gives ‘unreachable’ errors.
*SG: ok, run an ipconfig on the computer
*Me: the computer has a local address (192.168.x.x)
*SG: the router has lost its configuration then
*Me: what?
*SG: look, you’re gonna need to create a partition for windows so that we can send someone to reconfigure the router
*Me: but I can configure the router myself via telnet/HTTP, no need for windows
*Me: but the router is configured (sigh)
*SG: no, it’s not
*Me: look, I work on computers, I know what I’m talking about, and the problem is on the line
*SG: heh, if you knew computers, you’d know you need windows to configure the router
*Me: Ok, thanks for not helping me, bye
=> No tâ izriet, ka NEKAD nesakiet nevienam, ka lietojiet linuxu, jo rezultâtâ iegûsiet atbildes, ka nespçj pieslçgt jums internetu, jo nav windows partîcija vai etc kas;)
SG: linux is not supported I’m afraid
nuja nuja, lai netu palaistu uz *nix, *nix jâliek uz NTFS 💡 tâ ka, uz priekðu jaunieði, savâdâk nâksies sçdçt bez neta!! 😆 😆
laikam ar sawu mobilo, ja linux neatbalsta netu :D:D
Karoèe vecenei sen uz kâdiem krsiem bija jâdodas :), lai atjaunotu savas zinâðanas un biki papildinâtu tâs 🙂
Vajadzçs noeksaminçt Linuxâ savas draudzenes – Lattelecom meitenes no 8008040… 😀
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