Vai kādam nesen ir izdevies ievietot firmu dmoz?

Sākumlapa Forumi Citas tēmas Noderīgas saites Vai kādam nesen ir izdevies ievietot firmu dmoz?

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  • #157725

    Seomooz un woorank vēl aizvien šo uzskata par ko nopietnu, arī google, bet wtf tur nu nekādīgi neizdodas piereģistrēties.

    Varbūt kāds to ir dabūjis gatavu?


    Es esmu to visu izlasijis krustām šķērsām, un man liekas ka viņi vairs jaunus tur neņem.


    Apstiprināšana DMOZ var ilgt pat līdz 6 mēnešiem. Atkarīgs no adminiem.


    ļoti ilgi neviena lapa netika apstiprināta, nu tad pēc 1 gada atnāca ielūgums kļūt par redaktoru. Pieteicos jo citu variantu tur iekļūt nebija 🙂


    Vai man nezinītim var paskaidrot elementāri – kas tas dmoz tāds ir, un kāpēc tur tik ļoti labi ir tikt iekšā stāvot gadu rindā? 🙂


    woorank, seomooz un google vēl aizvien to uskata par plusu ja tava saite pēc konkrētiem atslēgas vārdiem ir dmoz.

    Kad viss ir jau izdarīts un tad katram pēdējam sīkumam ir nozīme.

    Es bieži seo optimizācijai izmantoju woorank un seomooz un man nepatīk ka man tiek samazināts ranks jo es neesmu kaut kādā direktorijā. Varbūt tā ir principa lieta. Bet jebkurš seo spečuks sapratīs ka mozrank ir ņemams vērā faktors.


    Hmm pēc pirmās rindkopas skaidrāk nekļuva



    Advantages to DMOZ Website Inclusion

    DMOZ is one of the oldest online directories and has been around since 1998. As a result of having one of the oldest, most unique, and relevant online directories on the worldwide web today, they have a Google page rank of 8. As you know, Google bases their search results on having quality targeted backlinks. The question of quality is positively included by the collaboration of literally thousands of editors on DMOZ who have collectively made the directory the success it is.

    Proof of Relevancy – If Google did not think that DMOZ directory results were relevant, they would not take and use the same titles and descriptions for their own search results. Additionally, a listing in the DMOZ directory gets you an automatic listing in the Google Directory which has a Google page rank of 7. If Google does abandon DMOZ results, I could see it only being for purposes of going to their own directory which would charge like Yahoo Directory. However, Google seems to favor open source over open charges from their tone!

    Increased Visibility – Since over 60% of people use Google to perform online searches for what they are looking for, a position in DMOZ can definitely increase the probability of your website coming up in search results versus your competitors.

    Listing on Hundreds of Other Sites – DMOZ has over 140 reputable sites documented that actually utilize their open directory content including major sites like Alexa, AOL Search, Excite, Google, Hotbot, Lycos, and many others. It is anticipated that there are actually thousands of websites that utilize the data site from what is mentioned in DMOZ directory alone for sites approved for their directory for the utilization of the data. This again means more people are seeing your website and are able to access it through multiple sources.

    Leader in Your Industry – Not just any website gets approved for inclusion into DMOZ. Only the best websites are considered and approved. It could definitely be said that your business would have an advantage over your competitor by having your website included in DMOZ versus not having it listed.


    Nu tik detalizēti jau nevajadzēja 🙂 , bet nu derēs arī tā:)


    Skaidrs, tas vnk. ir web katalogs, viens no pirmajiem un pie reizes tāpēc arī viens no nozīmīgākajiem.

    Paldies par informāciju 🙂

Tiek skatīts 1 ieraksts (no 11 kopumā)
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