1.Man windows xp sp3 uzkaras pie liela izmēra programmu instalācijas, un lielu failu atzipošanām , vairs neko nevar izdaarīt atliek vienīgi restar poga . Kas varētu būt par problēmu ?
2. Mans microsoft security essentials antivīrus atrada tādu failiņu ( windows/system32/drivers http.sys) ,bet nevis kā vīrusu bet nepazīsatamu failu ,varbūt kāds zin kas tas ir ??
Description: HTTP.sys is located in the folder C:WindowsSystem32drivers. Known file sizes on Windows XP are 262,784 bytes (48% of all occurrence), 262,400 bytes, 263,040 bytes.
The driver can be started or stopped from Services in the Control Panel or by other programs. HTTP.sys is a Windows system file. The program has no visible window. HTTP.sys is a Microsoft signed file. HTTP.sys seems to be a compressed file. Therefore the technical security rating is 0% dangerous, however also read the users reviews.
2) ja tas atrodas WindowsSystem32drivers un ir ar izmēru 262 784, 262 400 vai 263,040 baiti – “IIS 6.0 uses HTTP.sys, which is part of the networking subsystem of the Windows operating system, as a core component”
Ja citur – ļoti iespējams kāds malware.
MSE būs mazliet nojūdzies 🙂
Description: HTTP.sys is located in the folder C:WindowsSystem32drivers. Known file sizes on Windows XP are 262,784 bytes (48% of all occurrence), 262,400 bytes, 263,040 bytes.
The driver can be started or stopped from Services in the Control Panel or by other programs. HTTP.sys is a Windows system file. The program has no visible window. HTTP.sys is a Microsoft signed file. HTTP.sys seems to be a compressed file. Therefore the technical security rating is 0% dangerous, however also read the users reviews.
Ir kāda iespēja izlabot un salabot to , lai tā vairs nenotiek ???
Tātad tas http.sys nav bīstams var atstāt?
Izdzen cauri CureIt antivīrusu Safe Modē, tas nekaitēs. MSE tāpēc nav jāņem nost.
stipri defragmentēts disks, ….
Varbut tomēr fragmentēts?
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