Sākumlapa › Forumi › Notepad.lv › IT ziņas › Īsziņas › Windows 8.1 nograuj Linux pieeju NTFS partīcijām
@winreview: Windows 8.1 killed my linux access to ntfs partition 🙁 I have to do investigation of the issue.
Tāpēc esam uzmanīgi, ja lietojam dual-boot!
Tad jau Windows 2000, xp arī jābāž vienā čupā ar Windows NT 4.0?!
Gribētu es kautvai pusstundiņu ar tiem zombijmārketinga speciem papļāpāt. Vot tie ir malači…
Resilient File System (ReFS) is a new local file system. It maximizes data availability, despite errors that would historically cause data loss or downtime. Data integrity ensures that business critical data is protected from errors and available when needed. Its architecture is designed to provide scalability and performance in an era of constantly growing data set sizes and dynamic workloads.
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